Position Available: Part-Time Treasurer: The Town of Linn is seeking a Part-Time Treasurer. The pay rate is $25/hour. This position is non-exempt.Weekly work hours and schedule will vary. The Treasurer is expected to work over 20 hours per week during tax season (mid-December until mid-February). The maximum annual work hours are 1,100. The full position description is available here: https://townoflinn.wi.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Part-Time-Treasurer-Posting-10.28.2024.pdf Submit the Town application and a resume to Administrator Jim Hurley at admin@townoflinn.wi.gov, or P.O Box 130, Zenda, WI 53195. Applications are available at the Town of Linn website, and Town Hall.Application Deadline: December 6, 2024Questions? Contact Administrator Jim Hurley at 262-275-6300 ext. 12


Freezing Rain Forecasted Tomorrow, 2/22/2023

February 21, 2023

The National Weather Service is forecasting freezing rain and some sleet from tomorrow afternoon through Thursday morning, Feb. 23rd. 

Roadways are expected to be slippery. Please stay home if you do not need to be on the roadways. If you must, then we recommend you use extreme caution, and be patient while crews are salting the roads. Please remember to dress appropriately, keep a blanket, emergency kit, and a cell phone. If there is an emergency, please stay in you vehicle.

Dial 911 to report downed power lines and emergencies.