Property Tax Bills and Online Payments: Have you not received your property tax bill yet? At the Walworth County website, you can view & print your tax bill & receipt, check previous tax records, and the status of your property tax payment. Here is the link: You also have the option to pay your property taxes online via echeck, debit or credit card. Check the site for fees. Instructions are available here: Questions? Contact the Town Treasurer at 262-275-6300 ext. 12.   


Freezing Rain Forecasted Tomorrow, 2/22/2023

February 21, 2023

The National Weather Service is forecasting freezing rain and some sleet from tomorrow afternoon through Thursday morning, Feb. 23rd. 

Roadways are expected to be slippery. Please stay home if you do not need to be on the roadways. If you must, then we recommend you use extreme caution, and be patient while crews are salting the roads. Please remember to dress appropriately, keep a blanket, emergency kit, and a cell phone. If there is an emergency, please stay in you vehicle.

Dial 911 to report downed power lines and emergencies.