Job Posting: Part-Time Deputy Administrator-Treasurer: The Town of Linn is accepting applications for the position of Part-Time Deputy Administrator-Treasurer. The job posting is available here: Applications must be submitted by Monday, March 17th. Please contact Administrator-Treasurer Jim Hurley at if you have any questions.   


Press Release: October 7th Town Elector Meeting requesting to adopt a resolution to support contractual Fire/EMS staffing

A Town Elector Meeting is scheduled on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Linn Town Hall. 

The Town is requesting to include contractual Fire/EMS staffing in the Town’s tax levy to reduce borrowing costs while ensuring the Town continues providing 24/7 Fire/EMS Services.

Approval of this resolution will support the Town’s goal of reaching a long-term agreement with the City of Lake Geneva to continue providing Linn residents with reliable and quality fire and emergency medical services.

A full press release is available here:

The Town also created a Facebook page and webpage to share information with residents about the benefits of the Town of Linn and City of Lake Geneva Fire/EMS partnership.

Town webpage:

Facebook page:

The Town is hosting a public information forum to discuss the proposal with the public on
Monday, September 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. 

If you have any questions about the Lake Geneva Fire/EMS staffing coverage, please email
Administrator-Treasurer Jim Hurley at